The Anglo Saxons were people who lived in England during the 5th century. While little is known about their everyday lives, it is thought that they enjoyed playing board games. Several of these games have been recreated by modern-day enthusiasts and offer a glimpse into the types of entertainment that the Anglo Saxons enjoyed.
According to research conducted by historians, there is evidence that the Anglo Saxons played Tæfl, Tabula, and Dice. These games were played to pass the time, socialize with others and teach strategic thinking to their people.
This article will explore these three popular games and what we can learn from the games in a modern setting. We will also review any games that are similar to these games from the past and how you can get you can start playing some of these games yourself.

What are the three popular Anglo-Saxon board games?
This section will examine three of the most popular board games the Anglo Saxons played. These games are Tæfl, Tabula, and Dice.
Tæfl (Tafl)
What is Tæfl (Tafl)?
Tæfl, also known as Tafl, was a popular strategy game among the Anglo Saxons. The game can be played on various board sizes, but the most common is a 9×9 board. The game’s goal is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces or to surround them so they cannot move.
There are several variants of Tæfl that can be played. For example, one variant is Hnefatafl, played on a 13×13 board. In this game, the king is the most critical piece and can only be captured if he is surrounded on all four sides.
What are the rules of Tæfl?
The game is played with two sets of pieces, one black and one white. White has 12 pieces (including a king), and black has 24 pieces (6 on each side of the board). The game begins with all the white pieces in the centre of the board and the black pieces on each side surrounding the white. Black moves first.
You cannot move a piece into a square occupied by another piece. If enemy pieces surround a piece, they can be captured and removed from the board. The game’s goal is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces or to surround them so they cannot move. If the king is c, the game is over, and the player loses.
The goal of white is to get the king to the edge of the board, and the goal of black is to capture the white king.
How do I win Tæfl?
There are several ways to win Tæfl. One way is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces. Another way is to surround whites’ king so they cannot move. If the king is captured, the player loses automatically. White needs to do everything in their power to get to the sides of the board to win the game.

What is Tabula?
Tabula is a board game that was popular among the Anglo Saxons. The game is thought to have originated in Greece and was later adopted by the Anglo Saxons. The game is played on a wooden board with three rows of 7 squares. Each player has seven pieces that are moved around the board according to the dice roll. The players move around the board anti-clockwise.
The game’s object is to be the first player to get all 7 of their pieces to the finish line.
What are the rules of Tabula?
To start the game, each player rolls a dice. The player with the highest number goes first. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pieces around the board. The number on the die corresponds to the number of squares the piece can move. If a player rolls a 6, they can either move their piece six squares, or they can split the move up and move three pieces two squares each.
If a player lands on a square occupied by another piece, they can capture that piece and remove it from the board. If a player rolls a six and they have pieces in all 3 of their rows, they can move one of their pieces to the finish line. The first player to get all 7 of their pieces to the finish line wins the game.
What is Dice?
Dice is a board game that was popular among the Anglo Saxons. The game is thought to have originated in Egypt and was later adopted by the Anglo Saxons. The game is played with three dice and a board with 24 squares. The game’s object is the first player to reach the finish square.
What are the rules of Dice?
To start the game, each player rolls a dice. The player with the highest number goes first. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pieces around the board. The number on the die corresponds to the number of squares the piece can move. If a player rolls a 6, they can either move their piece six squares, or they can split the move up and move three pieces two squares each.
If a player lands on a square occupied by another piece, they can capture that piece and remove it from the board. If a player rolls a six and they have pieces in all 3 of their rows, they can move one of their pieces to the finish line. The first player to get all 7 of their pieces to the finish line wins the game.

What are the benefits of playing these games?
There are many benefits to playing these games. They can help improve your problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and hand-eye coordination. They also promote social interaction and can be a fun way to spend time with family and friends.
What can we learn about the anglo Saxons from their favorite board games?
From the Anglo-Saxon board games that we know about, we can learn that they were people who enjoyed the strategy and spending time with family and friends. These games can also give us a glimpse into the daily life of the Anglo-Saxons and how they spent their leisure time.
Are there any modern-day equivalents to these ancient games?
There are many modern-day equivalents to these ancient games:
- Tæfl is the modern game of Tafl.
- Tabula is a modern board game similar to Backgammon, except you go around the board in different directions.
- Dice is again similar to Backgammon. However, the board is different, and the aim is to get your pieces to pit at the end of the board instead of the finish square.
Which game would be the most fun to play and why?
All of these games would be fun to play. They are all strategy games that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They are also all social games that can be enjoyed with family and friends. If you are looking for a fast-paced strategic game, Tafl would be the most suitable. If you are looking for a game of chance, Tabula would be the best choice. If you want a game that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages, Dice would be the perfect game.
Final Thoughts
The Anglo Saxons were people who enjoyed playing board games. These games can offer us a glimpse into the culture and history of the Anglo Saxons. Additionally, these games can be a fun and entertaining way to spend time with friends and family. So next time you’re looking for something to do, why not try one of these Anglo-Saxon board games?