The Biggest Warhammer Models Ever Made

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Few things in life are as awe-inspiring as a giant Warhammer model. These imposing creatures can take your breath away by towering over the heads of onlookers. Here are ten of the largest Warhammer models ever made.

The largest Warhammer is the Tau Manta that can transport both troops and vehicles. Weighting a massive 12.5 kilograms this is a beast to carry around. Being 63 centimetres long and having a wingspan of 83 centimetres, this is sure to be the centre piece of your army collection.

This article will explore some of the largest units Games Workshop and Forge World have created. These miniatures will annihilate your enemies and provide that wow factor to your army (or armies)!

What is the biggest Warhammer Model ever made?

The Manta is the biggest model ever made for Warhammer 40k. It is a massive flyer that can transport up to 24 models. It is so big that it has a second floor! It weighs 12.5 kilograms without the vehicles and countless troops it can store.

The model is 63 centimetres long and has a wingspan of 83 centimetres. When released, this model was the most expensive model sold by Forge World at £960. The Tau spacecraft is well armoured and can provide massive firepower support to Tau ground forces.

What are the Largest Warhammer models?

1) Khorne Lord of Skulls

The Khorne Lord of Skulls is a massive daemon engine of Chaos. Standing over 6 inches tall and over 7 inches in length, it is one of the largest models ever made by Games Workshop. It is armed with two massive cannons and a variety of smaller weapons.

The lord of skulls is a super-heavy war machine of chaos that is a servant to the Chaos God Khorne. Each Lord of Skulls is a titan construct armed to the teeth with demonic weapons that obliterate the enemies of Khorne. The devastation that the Lord of Skulls inflicts on its enemies is so great that the very ground trembles at its feet.

2) Mars Pattern Warlord Titan

The second on the list is the Mars Pattern Warlord Titan is a massive walking battle tank. It stands over two feet tall and is armed with various powerful weapons, including a volcano cannon. This model is a part of the Adeptus Titanicus range and is one of the most largest models ever made by Games Workshop.

The Warlord Battle Titan is the mightiest war machine in the Imperium’s arsenal. These massive engines of destruction are armed with a wide array of devastating weaponry. They are piloted by a crew of brave Imperial Guardsmen and can take on entire legions of foes.

3) Imperial Knight

Another unit that is definitely a contender is the Imperial Knight is a massive walking war machine. It stands over 6.7 inches tall and is armed with various powerful weapons, including a thermal cannon. These colossal were often deployed in squadrons comprised of several war machines and were protected by nearly impenetrable ion shields.

The Imperial Knight is a massive walking war machine. It is armed with various powerful weapons, including a thermal cannon. The model also has a width of 5.5 inches that will be sure to impress or put fear in your opponent.

4) Acastus Knight Porphyrion

The Acastus Knight Porphyrion is a massive walking battle tank. It stands over two feet tall and is armed with various powerful weapons, including a melta cannon. Equipped with two Autocannons, Ironstorm Missile Pods, Twin-linked Magna Lascannons, an Ion Shield, and Titan Feet, these machines will flatten armies. Especially with the Titan Feet that can squash troops by just walking over armies.

This behemoth of a model is one of the most heavily armoured chassis of the Imperial Knights. Even during their most adopted time by the imperial knights, these were scarce units but were a marvel to see in action with their ability to destroy armies single-handedly.

5) Mechanicum Ordinatus Sagittarum

Six on the list is the Mechanicum Ordinatus Sagittarum is a massive walking battle tank. It stands over two feet tall and is armed with a gigantic missile launcher. Equipped with a Volcano Cannon to destroy the titans that dominate battlefields – you will wish you had one of these on your side!

This massive war machine is designed to lay waste to entire armies. It is armed with a gigantic missile launcher that can fire up to twelve missiles. This model is scarce and is only used by the most elite Mechanicum forces.

6) Ork Gargantuan Squiggoth

The Ork Gargantuan Squiggoth is a massive Ork creature. It stands over 13″ long and 8 inches high; this model is a big boy. Often mounting fortresses on their backs, they have pillboxes armed to the teeth with weaponry. Fortunately, these creatures are scarce among armies in lore and the game. Thanks, yourself lucky, or protect yourself by getting one!

This massive Ork creature is designed to trample and destroy everything in its path. It is armed with two large guns and various smaller weapons. The squiggoth acts as a transport unit for tr carried on the back of this towering creature.

7) Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan

The Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan is a massive Tyranid creature. It stands over 12″ tall and is armed with various powerful bio-weapons. The bio-titan is a counter to the greatest war machines that the Tyranid army faces. They are a terror to behold, devastating Imperial Titans and Ork Gargants.

The Hierophant Bio-Titan is one of the most potent Tyranid creatures. It is armed with various powerful bio-weapons that can destroy entire armies. This model is scarce and is only used by the most elite Tyranid forces.

8) Tau Supremacy Armor

The Tau Supremacy Armor is a massive walking battle tank. It stands over two feet tall and is armed with various powerful weapons, including a railgun. Equipped with a back-mounted Pulse Ordanance Multi-Driver or Nexus Missile System, this model has equipment and firepower to the teeth.

Developed to take on the most powerful of units, the Tau created this massive technology to act as a stationary defence unit. This unit was designed after the Manta to counteract heavy assault on their powerful units within the sky.

9) Great Unclean One

The Great Unclean One is a massive daemon of Nurgle. It stands 28mm tall and is armed with various deadly weapons. The Great Unclean One is a force to be reckoned with, often crushing entire armies by itself.

Being a servant of the Plague God Nurgle, the Chaos God of disease, death, and decay, this model oozes and lives up to the name of Nurgle. Covered in rotting flesh and open sores, these models are a wonder to see once professionally painted.

10) Bloodthirster

The Bloodthirster is a massive daemon of Khorne. It stands 5.5″ tall and is armed with two giant blades. The Bloodthirster is a fearsome opponent, often tearing through entire armies by itself. The Bloodthirster is the Greater Deamon of Khorne, and they are considered to be the most influential masters of battle.

11) Baneblade

The Baneblade is a massive tank of the Imperium. It stands 4″ tall and 5.5 inches wide and is armed with various deadly weapons. The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum and one of the oldest in the Imperial armed forces.


The STOMPA is a massive walker of the Orks. It stands 28 centimetres tall and is armed with various deadly weapons. The STOMPA is a small Ork Gargant that seeks to rival the likes of the Imperial Titan. Seen by many as a walking fortress, this mammoth is equipped with a Deffkannon, a Supa-Gatler, three Big Shootas, a Twin Linked Big Shoota, three Super Rokkitts, a Skorcha, and a Mega Chopper. If that does not crush your enemy we dont know what will.

13) Land Raider

The Land Raider is a massive tank of the Imperium. It stands 6″ tall and is armed with various deadly weapons. This unit is capable of operating in almost all terrains with the vehicle sheltering and encapsulating its cargo and troops from the external environment. Armed with two Twin-Linked Lascannons, Land Raiders are deadly units that can turn the tide in any battle.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, the ten most largest Warhammer models ever made. These massive models are sure to impress anyone who sees them. So if you’re looking for an imposing model, check out some of these giants.

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